19 - 21 June 2023

Bergen, Norway

Music4Change International Research School & Mentorship Hub 2023

Breaking the sound barrier? Diversity, inclusion and equity in musical life

Music4Change aims to make sustainability a core element in music research and education. The first of three annual International Research Schools will explore how equality, equity, and social justice are the foundation of sustainable cities and communities, and the ways musical systems and institutions must evolve to achieve such goals.

Reducing inequalities is the foundation of a stable and sustainable society. The dominant narrative that music is a positive force capable of bringing people together, improving health and well-being, and creating social cohesion exists alongside the fact that music cultures continue to be shaped by historically dominant communities, institutions, and perspectives that exclude and marginalise a range of groups.

This course will explore such barriers by focusing on how identities shape opportunities and experiences of music at the intersections of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, age, and (dis)ability. Focusing on critical approaches to participation and representation in the music sector, education and research, the work of feminist, anti-racist and LGTBQ+ activists, artists and scholars will be presented as a way of understanding past and present inequalities whilst imagining how we might build a more sustainable and equitable musical future.

Confirmed speakers include:

Ruth Jakobi
Secretary General, European Music Council
Dragana Jevtic
Creative Mentorship, Serbia
Francine Gorman
Keychange Global Network
Dr. Danae Stefanou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Kristin McGee
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Yalda Yazdani
University of Siegen, Germany
Prof. Maureen Mahon
NYU Arts & Science, USA
Dr. Thomas Hilder
NTNU, Norway
Dr. Shzr Ee Tan
Royal Holloway, University of London, Great Britain
Ass. Prof. Daniele Sofer
University of Dayton, USA
Ass. Prof. Mai Britt Utsi
Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Prof. Georgios Papadelis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Call for Papers

The Research School invites contributions from researchers, particularly PhD candidates and early career researchers, artists, activists, music sector leaders, funders, and arts policy makers. We welcome presentations on any aspect of inclusion, diversity, and equity including but not limited to:

  • Discrimination, bias, harassment, or abuse in music practices and the music sector
  • Queer, feminist, and anti-racist work against social exclusion and promoting inclusion in music
  • The representation and (in)visibility of marginalized groups in any area of music historically or in contemporary culture
  • Accessibility and inclusion in music education and training programs
  • Critical approaches to disability in music therapy and music, health, and well-being
  • Inclusion and diversity in music research and the university sector
  • Music as a form of resistance and social change

The course will create an interdisciplinary space that fosters critical and constructive dialogue. The format of presentations is flexible, and we invite performances, multimedia presentations, posters, panel discussions, and workshops, in addition to the usual oral presentations.

We are committed to creating an inclusive and equitable Research School for all attendees, and encourage submissions from individuals who are members of marginalized or under-represented communities.


  • Deadline for Abstracts: Extended to 27 March 2023
  • Registration: Closes 1 June 2023

The event is free for all participants.*

*We offer tea, coffee, and fruit during breaks for all registered participants. Any other meals needs to be purchased separately. Registered participants will receive information on accommodation in Bergen at discounted prices, and our additional food package available to order.

Please contact Morten Norheim for any questions not answered below.

Register Now

Ways to Participate

The Summer School is organised as a blended learning course which will be offered as an in-person event with opportunities for synchronous and asynchronous digital participation.

There are several ways to participate in the course.

Course Theme: We welcome abstracts on the course theme of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Musical Life from researchers from any field, and also those outside of the academy such as musicians, activists, community workers, funders and policy makers.

Spotlight Sessions: Ph.D candidates, at any stage of their doctoral work, and early career researchers can present their own project (regardless of theme) and receive feedback from peers and senior researchers.

Peer Mentorship Hub: The Hub is an initiative which connects PhD candidates and early career researchers working in relevant fields to exchange knowledge, build networks and develop mutually beneficial support. Those who sign up for the Hub will have the opportunity to take part in pre and post course digital meetings, as well as activities during the Research School.

Presentation Guidelines

The format of presentations at the course is flexible. In addition to the oral/powerpoint presentations we welcome performances, multimedia presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. If you have any questions please contact Morten Norheim.

Oral Presentations:

Oral presentations will be 20 mins talk plus 20mins for questions.


Performance presentations can be in the form of a lecture recital or performance with reflection, and should be a maximum 25 mins plus 20 mins for questions.

Prerecorded Presentations:

Oral or performance presentations can be pre recorded and submitted as a video.  These should be a maximum of 25 mins.   Prerecorded  presentations will be available to  view before the event and the full 40 mins of the session will be used for feedback and questions.

Prerecorded presentations must be submitted by 5th June 2023.

Submitting an Abstract

Abstracts should be maximum of 250 words and should include 4-6 keywords and 2-4 references.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the course committee. Applicants will be notified if their abstract has been accepted no later than 2nd April 2023

Abstract Submission

ECTS Credit Points

Ph.D. candidates can gain 3 ECTS credit points for participation in this course and have the option of presenting on the main theme of the course OR on their own research project and should participate in the Peer Mentorship Hub. Candidate presentations will receive feedback from senior researchers and peers.

If you wish to apply for ECTS credit you must register to do this before the course.  Please contact Morten Norheim for further details.

Travel & Accommodation

The Course will take place at the University of Bergen in the Grieg Academy – Department of Music and the Faculty for Fine Art, Music and Design which are both located close to the centre of the city.

Bus/light rail
The airport is connected to the city centre by light rail and express busses. Check out the Skyss webpages for how to get from the Airport to Bergen. You may buy tickets at the vending machine on the platform, or get the Skyss ticket app (same price for bus and light rail). All tickets are valid for 90 minutes within the same zone.


The course has reserved rooms at two hotels which are located close to the University Campus. The Zander K Hotel and Hotel Augustin.  You will receive information about how to book discounted accommodation when you register for the course.

Link to Google Maps