23rd-26th September 2025

University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Music4Change International Research School

Rethinking Interdisciplinarity and Innovation in Music Research

Music4Change invites abstract submissions for the 2025 International Research School on the theme of Interdisciplinarity and Innovation in Music Research. This 4-day event will include presentations, performances, panel discussions and workshops exploring innovative paradigms of music and sound research across disciplines. Abstracts are particularly invited from PhD students, early career researchers, and interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners.

Arts-science-technology collaborations, multimodal experimentation across the humanities and social sciences, and synergies between music, health and education sectors have transformed the fields of music and sound studies in the 21st century. At the same time, the very role of music research and its presence within higher education is constantly under threat. Pursuing innovation as music researchers while experiencing growing political, economic and environmental instabilities on a global level, poses complex challenges. We will investigate interdisciplinarity and innovation critically and dialogically, while raising questions regarding the multiple, and sometimes conflicting meanings and implications that these concepts bring to music research.

How are interdisciplinarity and innovation understood and evaluated across different fields of research?

What does sustainable interdisciplinary research and innovation look like?

How does international collaboration contribute to interdisciplinary research and innovation?

Is innovation the only paradigm for interdisciplinary research? What are the alternatives?

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Sonic epistemologies across disciplines
  • Collaboration in interdisciplinary research
  • Approaches to sustainable innovation in / through music
  • Practice-based, research-creation, and artistic methods in interdisciplinary contexts
  • Innovation in music, health and wellbeing
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on music, social justice and conflict
  • Accessible and inclusive sound/music technologies
  • Critical interdisciplinarity in AI and music cognition research
  • Inter/multi/trans disciplinarity in teaching and learning
  • Music education and social change


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 541 24
Link to Google maps


Registration: Opens April 10th until June 10th 2025

The event is free for all participants.

Registration form (opens April 10th)

Submitting an Abstract

Deadline for Abstracts is 1st May 2025

Abstracts should be maximum of 250 words and should include 4-6 keywords.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the event committee. Applicants will be notified if their abstract has been accepted no later than 30th May 2025.

Abstract submission

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations:

Oral presentations will be 20 mins talk plus 10 mins for questions.

Performance Presentations:

Performance presentations can be in the form of a lecture recital or performance with reflection, and should be a maximum 25 mins plus 10 mins for questions.

Digital Access

The event will be accessible digitally (asynchronously). Please choose this option when you register for the course.

ECTS Credit Points

Ph.D. candidates can gain 3 ECTS credit points for participation in this course and have the option of presenting on the main theme of the course OR on their own research project and should participate in the Peer Mentorship Hub. Candidate presentations will receive feedback from senior researchers and peers.

If you wish to apply for ECTS credit you must register to do this before the course. Please contact Morten Norheim for further details: Morten Norheim

Travel & Accommodation

How to get to Thessaloniki  

You can get to Thessaloniki by plane via the Thessaloniki Airport, or by bus, via connections from destinations within Greece (operated by the Intercity Bus Network) as well as other destinations in Europe (operated by FixBus). 


Suggested Hotels and Accomodation

We have secured prices for the 2025 Summer School participants on the following hotels, all of which located centrally and in close proximity to the Metro (Underground). You will receive information about how to book accommodation in these hotels when you register for the course. 

ABC  – Rooms from €70,00, breakfast included. A popular choice for professional travelers, the ABC hotel is located across the University campus, and within walking distance from all the major city attractions and the shopping center. 

Domotel Olympia – Rooms from €80,00, breakfast included. A modern yet homely hotel located at the historic center, next to the Ancient Roman Agora site. 

Egnatia Palace Hotel and Spa – Rooms from €90,00, breakfast included. A discreetly luxurious hotel located in the center of the city, next to Aristotelous square. 

Hotel Luxembourg – Rooms from €70,00, breakfast included. A cozy and picturesque hotel in the heart of the city, just by Aristotelous Square. 

Link to Google Maps


For any questions about the event, please contact: Knut Jonas Sellevold